Connecting with a networked community of practice associated
with the Universities Association for Lifelong Learning
and the University Vocational Awards Council
As academic practitioners, many in our network are actively teaching/facilitating higher education studies in various subject areas and disciplines as well as working outside of specified disciplinary boundaries. This broad base of professional practice embraces a wide variety of programmes from post-graduate certificates in higher education to disciplinary practice-based programmes in subject areas such as education, engineering and healthcare, business studies, arts, social work and more. With degree apprenticeships, many academic practitioners are working within this area of practice in a new way, although many are still involved with programmes that started as Higher National Diplomas or Foundation Degrees, work placements (work-integrated), and the integration professional body standards into higher education tuition. Various programmes operate within independent frameworks that provide professional studies to a wide variety of students across the university, including those entering higher education for the first time as well as in corporate executive programmes.
Collaborative programming with learners is an important element for work and learning pedagogy, as is the relationship with external partners. Employers, coaches/mentors, and human resources (learning development) play an important role in many aspects of the work and learning tuition.
We have expertise in the network within the QAA, and ties to a number of other professional bodies such as UVAC and SEEC. Professional service and administrative staff play a big role in this area of practice.
While we are sharing out practice with you, we would also like to hear from members and friends around the world about continued professional development, professional practice, practice-based work placements, work-integrated practice, apprenticeships, internships and sandwich years, and integrated programmes of studies where the workplace plays a prominent role in the tuition and assessment.
International Work and Learning Practice
UALL has many links with continuing education programmes throughout the world. Find -
Cedofop is another useful resource for international practise. Find -
Please find a selection of work from our network:
See Carol Costley’s blog on What might a practice-based curriculum look like? in response to David Boud’s blog on Practice-based learning. What if we started with practice?
An exploration of active based learning with Paula Nottingham -
A presentation or workshop about using video in learning. This includes and explanation of what happens when in effect work based learning at the BBC was switched off by Birt and KPMG and the effect of Margaret Thatcher from Dr Mike Howarth, MHMVR.