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To register for this event: 


Dear Colleagues,

Please see an invitation below for the 2nd of our 2022-2023 Centre for Education Research and Scholarship (CERS) Seminar series with an open invitation for post-graduate researchers and Middlesex University staff. The event is also open the public. 

Kind regards


Work and Learning Research Centre SIG/CERS
















New Event: 4th April 1pm – 2:30 pm ((UK time) Virtual Event

Cognitive Overload and the Work Place:

Protecting our Brains in a World of Too Much


with Professor Sarah Corrie


In recent years, and even more so since the COVID-19 pandemic, the wellbeing agenda has garnered significant attention in the work place. This has given rise to numerous initiatives aimed at enhancing awareness of physical and mental health issues, how to recognise signs of struggle in ourselves and others, and how to develop the skills necessary to support emotional wellbeing. Yet, one element that is frequently overlooked is the phenomenon of cognitive overload. This occurs when our working memory becomes over-stimulated and our ability to think, organise and plan becomes compromised as a result. Although there are multiple reasons for cognitive overload, it frequently occurs when we are given too much information or are required to multitask over extended periods.


Individual manifestations vary, but cognitive overload is commonly associated with feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope. Over time, if unaddressed, it can also manifest in cynicism about the work place, compassion fatigue, a sense of failure and burnout. As excessive mental stimulation and heavy workloads have become a routine – and accepted –part of daily life, cognitive overload is an issue for us all. For individual scholars, it can significantly affect our ability to enjoy, value and deliver our best work. For leaders, it is important to understand the implications of cognitive overload for the wellbeing, efficiency and, ultimately, productivity of the workforce.


This seminar takes a look at cognitive overload through the lens of multiple disciplines in order to consider how best we can respond to this phenomenon in ourselves and others, and how we can work towards creating environments that can protect our brains in a world of unending stimulation.


Seminar and Q&A.

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