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Work and Learning Network: Network News: June 2021

Paula Nottingham

UALL Work and Learning Network: Network News: June 2021

Welcome to the June special edition of the newsletter.


This month we focus on the issue of EDI and in particular the ways in which it relates to work and learning practice. We are formally inviting all of our readers to attend our virtual colloquium, which is taking place on the 30th of June 2021.


Dr Jenny Rodriguez

This month we are spotlighting Jenny Rodriguez as a strident new light in work and learning and its potential towards equality.

Jenny Rodriguez is Senior Lecturer in Employment Studies at the Human Resource Management, Employment Studies & Law Subject Area Group at Alliance Manchester Business School. Prior to joining Manchester, she worked at the Dept of HRM at the University of Strathclyde Business School and at Newcastle University Business School. Dr Rodriguez's research focuses on intersectional inequality in work and organisations, and the interplay between identity, work and regulation. She is particularly interested in the transnational experiences of skilled migrant women.

Article links:

UALL Work & Learning Network /Middlesex University Work and Learning Research Centre Colloquium

Equality Diversity and Inclusion: championing work and learning that empowers and sustains change

Come and join us!

Event date: 30th June 2021

Location: Online/Zoom (this will be sent to delegates).

Cost: Free

To sign up and information about the colloquium click here:



AdvanceHE Athena Swan Charter

“The Athena Swan Charter is a framework which is used across the globe to support and transform gender equality within higher education (HE) and research. Established in 2005 to encourage and recognise commitment to advancing the careers of women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) employment, the Charter is now being used across the globe to address gender equality more broadly, and not just barriers to progression that affect women. Advance HE members can apply for institutional and departmental Athena Swan awards recognising their gender equality efforts."


This source has other links that have related themes to fair admission, racial issues with h.e. and widening opportunity.

British Council

Opinion Pieces Decolonizing the curriculum

Author: Elizabeth Charles

University websites as a good way to learn about EDI – here are a few links:

University of Greenwich



University of Nottingham Sphere conference

University of Edinburgh

University of Sheffield


Simone Buitendijk (Imperial College London)

Stephen Curry (Imperial College London) (2019)

Equality, diversity and inclusion at universities: the power of a systemic approach

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Emerald Publishing

ISSN: 2040-7149

APA American Psychological Association

Sutton Trust (2020)


ESRC Employment key to social mobility

Learning ladders -

Reviewing your own University expertise… here are a few sources from MDX

Saini, R. (2020, August 11). From management meetings to meaningful change: risks of institutional capture in the decolonisation of UK higher education and recommendations for delivering structural change. LSE Impact Blog. Available from:

Centre for Education Research

Moving Up

Equality and Diversity

Driving the Future of Work through Work-Based Learning in a World of Constant Change by Nazrene Mannie


Thank you for reading. We look forward to seeing some of you in June and will be planning future events for the Autumn 2021.

UALL Work and Learning Network

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