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The journey from equality to inclusion; a move from theoretical to more practice-led understandings of inclusiveness


Jenny K Rodriguez 


In this talk, I will discuss and problematise moving from a theoretical understanding of inclusiveness to a practical understanding of inclusiveness. This move could be considered a journey from equality to inclusion. My talk is organised in three parts. First, a discussion about the departure point with is a principled position where we acknowledge and value equality and appreciate its importance. Second, the problematisation of diversity, which I develop in relation to the idea of "the other question" (e.g., who is diverse to me and what does this tell me?). Third, I focus on the question of how we translate that knowledge into practice that results in inclusion on terms that are not unilateral and do not reproduce or perpetuate privilege and disadvantage. 


Carol Costley then responds to Jenny’s talk in relation to Work and Learning followed by Q and A. 





Dr Jenny K Rodriguez is a Senior Lecturer in Employment Studies at University of Manchester. She is Associate Head of Social Responsibility & Civic Engagement in the People, Management and Organizations (PMO) Division at Alliance, Manchester Business School. 

She is involved in scholar activism as founding member of the Decolonizing Alliance, an international community committed to intellectual and practical collaboration, translation, active solidarity and resistance to tackle intersectional inequalities and neo-colonial power relations faced by people of colour in the Global South and the Global North. 

Her interests are intersectionality, regulation of work and employment, international human resource management, transnational feminism, skilled labour migration, self-initiated expatriation, identity narratives and decolonizing. 


Carol Costley is a Professor of Work and Learning and Director of the Work and Learning Research Centre at Middlesex University.  Her curriculum interests are in Professional and Practice-Based Doctorates and Work-based Learning. Her research relates to these curriculum areas in relation to examining methodologies, how practice theory relates to work and learning and how practice-based learning and inclusive teaching strategies are more successful in supporting Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (see blog ).  Publications in these fields are here; 

Carol was a pivotal member of the development team of the Doctor of Professional Studies at Middlesex in 1997 and Academic Director from 2008. She is Chair of the International Conference on Professional and Practice-Based Doctorates  since 2009, Chair of the ‘Association of Practice Doctorates’ since 2009 and ‘Researching Work and Learning’ conference series committee member since 1999.  




Jenny's Presentation

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