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First Notice

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Title: Imagining Radical Inclusivity in Work & Learning

Event date: Friday 27th May 2022 TBC

Location: Online Conference/In Person at Second Home, Clerkenwell, London, UK

Cost: £30 in person/£10 online/Concessions

Speakers: Mandy Crawford-Lee, Chief Executive, UVAC and Prof Anita Walsh, Birkbeck University of London


We invite you to join us in this day forum focused on discovering new pathways for future practice and research in work and learning.


To prepare for the day, 300 word abstracts are invited from practitioners and researchers that address the following questions:

  • How can work integrated learning be more inclusive for its practitioners and learners?

  • What is your experience practising inclusivity as an individual or team?

  • What are the challenges for organisations and education - leadership, management, learners?

  • What truths can be exposed about unrepresented learners, part-time learners, mature learners, social mobility, with a view to social justice?

  • Is there a role for degree apprenticeships in providing radical inclusivity?


We suggest the locus of thinking around these issues can be found:

  • in practice - teaching pedagogies and syllabuses

  • in research - choice of research topic, subjects and approaches, partnering research with students and other stakeholders, decolonising practice

  • in the real world of work - with employers, organisations, and apprenticeships

  • in policy – government, institutions, and departments, in teams and individually

  • in today’s post-Covid context


We are inviting participants to give presentations of at least 15 min (5 minute Q&A) with the opportunity to extend these presentations for a paper in the Work Based Learning e-Journal International. We also welcome audience engagement throughout for in person and online for delegates.


At the forum, we want to encourage debate and a willingness to engage in the exploration of possibilities. Think radical, outspoken and committed! There will also be discussion about writing and publishing in other related journals such as Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning and the formation of a writing group.


To get involved, please send a 300 word abstract by the 24th of April 2022 (after the Easter break).

For information and to send your abstracts contact:

Paula Nottingham

Visit the website




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