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An annotated bibliography

Carol Costley and Pauline Armsby



Ashwin, P., Boud, D., Calkins, S., Coate, K., Hallett, F., Light, G., Luckett, K., McArthur, J., MacLaren, I., McLean, M., McCune, V., Mårtensson, K.,Tooher, M. (2020) 2nd edit Reflective Teaching in Higher Education. London, Bloomsbury Academic.


This is a significant textbook for colleagues teaching in higher education written by an international team of experts in teaching and learning in higher education and thus informed by the latest research in reflective teaching. There is  practical guidance for day-to-day teaching, covering key issues such as strategies for improving learning, teaching and assessment, curriculum design, relationships, communication, and inclusion. idence-informed principles to aid understanding of how theories can effectively inform teaching practices, offering ways to develop a deeper understanding of teaching and learning in higher education.


Additional content for the new edition:

- new case studies from a wider variety of countries

- the decolonising agenda.
- What is meant by 'agency'
- Gender, ethnicity, disability and university teaching
- Digital learning spaces and social media
- Teaching career development for academics
- Decolonising the curriculum
- Assessment and feedback practices
- Teaching excellence and 'learning gain'
- 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides online additional support including sector specific material for considering questions around society's educational aims.


Béres, L. and Fook, J. (Eds) (2019) Learning Critical Reflection; Experiences of the Transformative Learning Process. London, Routledge

This edited collection is a truly in-depth analysis born from the practices and learning experiences of social work students and practitioners. It explores how a more considered understanding of the process of learning, combined with an analysis of how to critically reflect, helps to improve the learning process.

Delving into professional identity, working practices and professional belief systems this is about how a truly critical reflective approach can become transformative for individuals learning at work  through this learning process. As well as case examples it includes how to teach critical reflection.


Boud, D., Cressey, P. and P. Docherty (Eds) (2006) Productive Reflection at Work.  Abingdon: Routledge


This book, subtitled ‘Learning for changing organizations’, covers the importance of productive reflection as a valuable perspective for helping people develop organizations and the learning within them.   Underpinning themes and ideas such as the importance of social collective aspects of reflection and the place of formal and informal learning are covered, as are various issues related to context, such as reflection in communities of practice and for intercultural competence.  The final section of the book addresses challenges and complexities, for example, creating time and space for reflection in busy work context.  The chapters take on a range of disciplinary perspective, including Human Resource Management, Adult and Vocational Learning, Sociology and Psychology.  This offers the opportunity to thoroughly consider the idea of productive reflection at work.  A useful final chapter on ‘Lessons and issues for practice and development’ summarises the key ideas and possible ways forward for extending organizational development through productive reflection.


Bradbury, H., Frost, N., Kilminster, S. and Zukas, M. (eds) (2010) Beyond Reflective Practice: New Approaches to Professional Lifelong Learning. London: Routledge.


See especially the chapter by David Boud ‘Relocating reflection in the context of practice’ as it addresses professional reflection at work and makes the point that we work in teams so that individual reflection, which appears to be most prized by universities, may need a different or additional dimension when reflecting on professional practice. We all know that problem solving and change making in work situations bring about the best results when done collaboratively. Many other chapters in this book are well worth reading, so if you get the whole book it is well worthwhile looking through the different perspectives.


Coldham, S., Armsby, P. and S. Flynn. (forthcoming 2021) Learning For, At and Through Work, in H. Pokorny and D. Warren (Eds) Enhancing Teaching Practice in Higher Education. 2nd Edition.  Sage.


This chapter provides an overview of approaches to teaching and learning, for, at and through work.  The section on ‘Learning through work’ focuses on the importance of reflexivity and self, and peer review. Case studies and tips for supporting learning from experience are included, and there is an overview of theories that support reflective practice such as experiential and constructivist learning. An extensive concept map explores the range of issues involved in the reflective process of learning through work.


Faller, P., Lundgre, H. and Marsick, V. (2020) Why and How Does Reflection Matter in Workplace Learning? Advances is Developing Human Resources

Johns, E.(2017)  Becoming a Reflective Practitioner. 5th Edition.  Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.


This book provides a unique insight into reflective practice, exploring the value of using models of reflection, with particular reference to Christopher Johns' own model for structured reflection. Contemporary in approach, this extensive text contains a variety of rich and insightful reflective extracts that support the main issues being raised in each chapter, and challenges practitioners and students to question their own practice. The book includes scenarios and case studies throughout which provide the reader with access to the experience of reflective representation helping to explicate the way in which reflective practice can inform the wider notion of professional practice.


Kemmis, S. (2005). Knowing practice: searching for saliences. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 13(3),

391–426. Accessed 27

June 2020.


In this paper Kemmis highlights spheres of knowledge mostly found in professional practice.

He points out that professional practice takes place in social settings, shaped by discourses,

and is dramaturgical and practical in character. This helps us gauge how change in practice

is not just a matter for practitioners or practitioner–researchers but creates the need to

change discourses in which practices are constructed and the social relationships which constitute

practice. Practitioners need to network and prepare collaboratively for change in their

practices, making a case that legitimises change and changes minds. Much has been written since this paper especially by Kemmis and others in the field of Practice Theory but this paper remains a fundamental compelling read on practices.

Lawrence-Wilkes L & Ashmore, L. (2014) The Reflective Practitioner in Professional Education. Palgrave Pivot

This book examines the reflective practitioner role and the scope of reflective activities in professional practice, revealing that critical thinking is rooted in a philosophical debate about notions of truth linked to differing learning approaches.


Schedlitzki, D. (2019), "Developing apprentice leaders through critical reflection", Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 237-247.


This is a paper that approaches leadership development by proposing that sustainable leadership practices and decision making are developed when leadership learning is firmly embedded in work-based practices and critical self-reflection. A discussion of critical 

reflection methods focusses on utilising the learning portfolio as a core aspect of all leadership and management apprenticeships to embed sustainable and reflective practice and facilitate situated leadership learning. The paper explores the role of training providers in actively connecting higher and degree apprenticeships to embed this model of leadership development and seeing leadership as a lifelong apprenticeship. It also highlights the potential for resistance by managers and senior leaders in seeing themselves as apprentices rather than accomplished leaders. By paying attention to issues of language and identity in this discussion, it surfaces practical implications for the delivery of sustainable leadership education through the framework of apprenticeships.


Schön, D. (1983). The Reflective Practitioner: How professionals think in action. USA, Basic Books.

Schön, D. (1987). Educating the Reflective Practitioner. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.

Schön, D. (1991). (ed.) The Reflective Turn: Case studies in and on educational practice. New York, Teachers College, Columbia.


Schön’s work in ‘’The reflective practitioner’ prompted one of the main approaches now used for reflection in and on practice and a reflexive approach to engaging with experience which are key elements of work-based programmes. This approach has been acknowledged as fundamental to learning and teaching in the area of professional education if undertaken with due rigour, thoughtfulness and criticality. Schon’s influence on the development of pedagogical practices for working with professionals was demonstrated in Educating the Reflective Practitioner and has enabled practitioners to interrogate their practice and help them elicit tacit knowledge into a form that makes it reviewable and examinable. A critical perspective on reflection has been consistently advocated by Schön,

Although relevant experience enables people to reflect constructively on their practice, it does not necessarily mean that they do so. Reflection on practice is a deliberate act and these ideas are exemplified in Schön’s ‘The Reflective Turn’ and since then in many other useful texts that have discussed reflection and reflexivity in practice situations.





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